Winter season
Registrations are NOW OPEN for adult league winter season 2025, which runs from April to August. Click the registration button below to register as a winter player.
Summer season
Runs from early September until late March for youth (age 2 - 18) and adult (15+) leagues. Registrations for summer baseball 2025-26 will open in July 2025 - click below to express your interest and we will contact you when we begin preparations for the season (usually around June)
Junior baseball has a range of competitions to suit age, experience and skills, from Hawk Ball (learning-oriented, non-competitive T-ball) to LL Big League (U18s). For eligible families, we accept Active and Creative Kids vouchers. If you are having any issues with registering, please contact us.
Limited places are available in some teams, depending on player experience, age and skill. While we try to make sure you are placed in a team with a group that suits you, we can’t always guarantee that we’ll be able to find the ideal spot for you and you may need to play in a higher or lower grade than what suits your abilities. If you are having any issues with registering, please contact us.
Registration mailing list
If you have missed registrations for the current season or would like to be kept aware of when registrations are coming up for any reason, please click the Register Your Interest link.
Financial Hardship
Wests Boomers Baseball Club is committed to making baseball accessible to all players, and can make arrangements to help with financial hardship. Please contact us here if you need financial help with registering to play, as we may be able to make a payment arrangement or provide sponsorship to help with the costs of registering to play baseball, especially if you are able to provide help as a volunteer to the club.
Winter Baseball
The Winter season runs from early April until late August and is available for Senior players (15+) only. Unfortunately, there is no winter competition for junior players.